1. Advice and Information -

    Four questions staff should ask you or a loved one about your oral health if you’re a care home resident, according to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence quick guide.
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    Over the past year, we have been working with Lambeth Council on a project looking into how home care can be improved. The aim was to use design approaches to find ways for home care to be more joined up with other services and to empower people.
  3. Report -

    The Right for Everyone project was a partnership initiative to investigate how well community health services work for people with learning disabilities. We looked at dental services, GP practices, pharmacy, foot clinics and opticians.
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    Increases in pay will help dentists treat patients needing most complex treatments
  5. Advice and Information -

    Are you struggling to find an NHS dentist? The new dental recovery plan might help you get the dental care you need.
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    Need to find a dentist in Lambeth? Read on to learn how to access dental care near you.
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    Everyone should be able to access good quality NHS dental services. Take a look at our top tips to help you get the most out of your next dental appointment.
  8. Advice and Information -

    We've pulled together a number of services for parents in need of support for their mental health. Read more to find out where you can go to get the help you need.
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    A couple of months ago we published a report on perinatal mental health in Lambeth. We looked at the experience of mothers during pregnancy and after giving birth – and the support they received. Here's what we've done with the findings
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    In partnership with the Lambeth Council and Lambeth Made we evaluated the Early Help pilot in Streatham. Reframing Early Help Programme aims to improve the Early Help offer to enable families to receive high quality, whole-family support.
  11. Advice and Information -

    Lambeth Educational Psychology Service has put together some advice and guidance for parents and carers about how to support the wellbeing and learning of their children during the coronavirus outbreak.
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    With the lockdown, many people experience reduced care and online sessions, and there is a restriction on company during visits and labour. This can cause worry and have an impact on pregnant people's mental health.
  13. Advice and Information -

    We held a webinar with some tips, information on what support is locally available during this time for parents of young children and what to expect if you’re expecting in Lambeth.
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    We spoke to women who gave birth at King's during lockdown to explore in more depth how mothers have been affected by the pandemic focusing on their experiences of maternity care services during pregnancy, birth, and the early postnatal period.
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    Find out in our Annual Report about how we have made a difference for people in Lambeth, our resources and how we have engaged and supported people in 2020-21.
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    Our Annual Report for 2021/22 is out now! See how your feedback on health and social care services in Lambeth helped us influence local providers and make services better.
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    Healthwatch England to survey experience of maternity services and mental healthcare
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    Regulator gives maternity service good rating after September 2022 inspection
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    Survey of 2,693 new mothers and birthing parents shows shortfall in postnatal care services
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    We speak to Hilary Ibhagbemien, The Motherhood's Group's new Programmes & Communication Manager
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    Healthwatch Lambeth is doing a maternity project, engaging with women and birthing people from different backgrounds, communities and neighbourhoods, especially those from seldom heard groups and communities.
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    Healthwatch Lambeth has today published "Trust Mother's Words," a report based on a research project funded by SEL Local Maternity and Neonatal services (LMNS) exploring the maternity care experiences of women from Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities, refugees, migrant and asylum-seekers, women living in areas of high deprivation and women with learning disabilities.
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    This research explored the experience of mothers from Lambeth with mild to moderate mental health problems during the perinatal stage, before and after giving birth, and what support was available to them.
  24. Advice and Information -

    Take a look at the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence's (NICE) quick guide to discussing and planning support following a dementia diagnosis.
  25. Report -

    We carried out an evalution of the first two years of Project Smith, where local people worked together with NHS Lambeth CCG and Lambeth Council, recognising that the community and people are the assets and key to good health and wellbeing.
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    A pilot project aimed to test out an approach for building a picture of older people’s experiences of health and social care services following a stay in hospital.
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    We evaluated the adaptation of an existing hospital-based initiative designed by the Guy's and St Thomas' Trust, to help carers of elderly family members with dementia prepare for their return home after a stay in hospital.
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    We undertook a review of dementia services in the Clapham Park area of Lambeth during the second half of 2014, in order to gain an insight into the experiences of local residents with dementia and their carers (both paid and unpaid)
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    What are the most important research questions that occupational therapists, people who access occupational therapy services and their carers want answered?
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    The current recommendation for any information on the Coronavirus is to stay updated via Public Health England’s COVID public information page, and follow advice such as regularly washing hands with soap and water for 20 seconds,
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    It’s Dying Matters Week 11th-17th May, an annual national awareness-raising week which aims to promote the importance of talking about death and dying.
  32. Advice and Information -

    Has covid-19 made you think about what care and treatment you would or wouldn’t want if you became very unwell? Lambeth residents can get free help to record your future wishes now in an advance care plan.
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    Would you be happy to share your experience about raising concerns about care?  Healthwatch and the CQC want to hear from people over 55, carers and people with learning disabilities about their experience of healthcare services during COVID-19.
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    Healthwatch Lambeth and GSTT work together to assess benefit of new Neighbourhood Nursing scheme
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    Share your views on what it's like to grow older in Lambeth to help services learn and improve
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    A fun and social day with free food, information stalls, workshops, a tea dance, activities and crafts for residents aged 50+
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    Healthwatch Lambeth was delighted to participate in Lambeth's Ageing Well Festival which launched Age Friendly Lambeth.
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    Use your voice to improve health and care in Lambeth!
  39. Report -

    The latest Healthwatch Lambeth report explores the experiences of service users and carers when applying for NHS Continuing Healthcare funding.