1. Advice and Information -

    Lambeth Educational Psychology Service has put together some advice and guidance for parents and carers about how to support the wellbeing and learning of their children during the coronavirus outbreak.
  2. Advice and Information -

    With the lockdown, many people experience reduced care and online sessions, and there is a restriction on company during visits and labour. This can cause worry and have an impact on pregnant people's mental health.
  3. Advice and Information -

    We held a webinar with some tips, information on what support is locally available during this time for parents of young children and what to expect if you’re expecting in Lambeth.
  4. News -

    Have you had problems with booking appointments or written correspondence with the NHS? Do you have views on how this should be improved? We want to hear how people's care experience has been affected by poor NHS administration.
  5. News -

    We want to hear from Lambeth people about their hospital experience. Do you stay local at Guy’s & St Thomas’ or King’s College Hospital? Or do you travel outside the borough to visit St George’s or Croydon University Hospital? Talk to us!
  6. Advice and Information -

    If you need to go into hospital for a short-term stay but have no one to look after your dog or cat, you may be eligible for help under Mayhew’s Pet Refuge programme.
  7. News -

    St George's NHS Trust is holding a series of events for you to tell them what you think about St George’s and the services we provide. Everyone is welcome, and the service is keen to hear from anyone who has an interest in the services.
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    What are the most important research questions that occupational therapists, people who access occupational therapy services and their carers want answered?
  9. News -

    The current recommendation for any information on the Coronavirus is to stay updated via Public Health England’s COVID public information page, and follow advice such as regularly washing hands with soap and water for 20 seconds,