NHS Urges Six Million People to get Covid Booster Jab

At risk groups and over 65s to be reminded about Covid-19 autumn booster next week
Covid 19, vaccination,

Over six million people aged over 65 or those at risk who have yet to get their autumn booster will be reminded to book a jab next week, according to the NHS.

Since its launch a month ago, 5.5 million autumn top-ups to combat Covid have been administered, but next week 6.6m people will be reminded to book an appointment, including the over 65s, those who are pregnant, have suppressed immune systems, a learning disability or other health issue. 

Those at risk can self-declare (they don't need to wait for an invite) and can attend a walk-in site or book in online at www.nhs.uk/book-covid-booster. Anyone who needs help making an appointment should call 119.

The reminders, a mixture of emails, letters and texts, will begin on Monday 17 October as NHS leaders urge those eligible to take up their free Covid booster and annual flu vaccine ahead of the threat of a potential “twindemic” this winter, and with infection levels already starting to rise.

The latest figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show that around one in 50 people in England had Covid in the week ending 26th September – up by a quarter – with more than 9,500 patients in hospital with Covid-19.

The NHS is already preparing for winter by ramping up bed capacity and increasing the number of 999 and NHS 111 call handlers.