Free support is still available over the phone

If you are interested in advance care planning or have questions about how you can go about completing your own plan, you can phone Compassion in Dying’s free information line on 0800 999 2434 11am to 3pm Monday to Friday, or email


Free support for carers in Lambeth

If you are a carer living in Lambeth, you can contact Carers’ Hub Lambeth to join our Lambeth Carers Card. Once signed up you will be able to access our Emergency Planning sessions to find out further information and support for how to make an Advance Statement. You can contact Carers’ Hub Lambeth on 020 7501 8970, or email


What is advance care planning?

There may come a time when you are unwell and cannot tell the people around you what you do and do not want. By making plans now, you can record your preferences for treatment and care so that if you are ever in this situation, your wishes are known and can be followed.

The three main tools used in advance care planning are:


Advance Statement (free)

A general statement of anything that is important to you in relation to your health or wellbeing. It can contain information about your lifestyle, the care you would prefer to receive, and what is important to your quality of life. It is used if you are unable to tell people how you wish to be cared for.


Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment (free)

Also known as a ‘Living Will’, this allows you to record any medical treatments that you do not want to be given in the future, in case you later cannot make or communicate a decision for yourself. It is legally binding as long as it meets certain requirements.


Lasting Power of Attorney for Health and Welfare (free for those on certain benefits)

Allows you to give someone you trust the legal power to make decisions for you if you are unable to. It covers decisions about medical treatment, where you are cared for and your daily routine. It’s legally binding and you don’t need a solicitor.

More information about end-of-life care