Lambeth Together Releases 'Our Health, Our Lambeth' Plan

Partnership group sets out how health and care services in Lambeth will work together to improve health and wellbeing outcomes over the next five years
Man at a Healthwatch event

Lambeth Together, a partnership that includes ourselves, voluntary organisations such as Age UK Lambeth and public bodies like Lambeth Council, and many more, has released its five-year 'Our Health, Our Lambeth' plan. 

The plan sets out our aspirations for the borough including the empowerment of  people to live healthy lives; working together to improve services for patients and residents; embed a culture of evidence-based decision making and respond to priorities developed by residents and communities (as set out in the Lambeth Health and Wellbeing Strategy). 

Click below to see the plan in full and get in touch if you have any questions. Your voices have helped contribute to the plans and your voice matters, so please keep telling us your stories and sharing your views. 

Our Health, Our Lambeth

Lambeth Together 2023-28