Food & Drink: King's College Hospital Seeks Help from Lambeth Residents

Kings College Hospital NHS Trust wants help to shape its new food and drink strategy
Food Served (Credit: KCH)

King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is developing a new strategy to ensure patients get the food and drink they need during their hospital stay and is asking patients, relatives, carers and local people for their thoughts.

The trust's nutrition and hydration strategy will include important areas such as:

-              The range of meals and food to meet communities and patients’ needs

-              Having the right cutlery and equipment to eat and drink

-              Information about meals and mealtimes

-              How relatives/carers can get involved

-              Food in the children’s hospital, maternity wards and Emergency departments

-              Food and drink for patients with dementia

-              Staff training on nutrition and hydration

-              Making sure patients get the food and drink they need at the right times

King's College Hospital is planning online discussions and hopes to have face-to-face meetings later in the year, as well as opportunities for those involved to visit its hospitals.

If you would like to be kept up to date about this work, you can contact the patient and public involvement team on 0203 299 3682 or email