1. News -

    What are the most important research questions that occupational therapists, people who access occupational therapy services and their carers want answered?
  2. News -

    The current recommendation for any information on the Coronavirus is to stay updated via Public Health England’s COVID public information page, and follow advice such as regularly washing hands with soap and water for 20 seconds,
  3. News -

    It’s Dying Matters Week 11th-17th May, an annual national awareness-raising week which aims to promote the importance of talking about death and dying.
  4. Advice and Information -

    Has covid-19 made you think about what care and treatment you would or wouldn’t want if you became very unwell? Lambeth residents can get free help to record your future wishes now in an advance care plan.
  5. News -

    Would you be happy to share your experience about raising concerns about care?  Healthwatch and the CQC want to hear from people over 55, carers and people with learning disabilities about their experience of healthcare services during COVID-19.