1. Advice and Information -

    Four questions staff should ask you or a loved one about your oral health if you’re a care home resident, according to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence quick guide.
  2. Report -

    A pilot project aimed to test out an approach for building a picture of older people’s experiences of health and social care services following a stay in hospital.
  3. Report -

    Our survey of care home managers and sheltered scheme managers reveals that some residents are not receiving a level of social care that meets their needs.

  4. News -

    In September and October we’re carrying out Enter and View visits into three care homes that are providing block contract beds for Lambeth Council. This will support Lambeth Council’s improvement plans for the care homes.
  5. Report -

    We planned a series of Enter and View visits to community-based mental health services including supported accommodation, employment and training and clinical treatment services, including Penrose Options.
  6. Report -

    We ran a series of Enter and Views into community services. Connelly House, run by Cyrenians, offers 24-hour supported accommodation for those with complex mental health needs.
  7. Report -

    in October 2016 we invited all extra care residents in Lambeth to a tea and chat event at one of the extra care facilities. We wanted to find out how residents were feeling one year on from our review and what difference the grants may have begun.
  8. Report -

    Over 2015, we carried out Enter & View visits to all 5 of Lambeth’s extra care schemes and held interviews with the on-site service providers to understand whether services are enabling people to have a good quality of life and improving independece.
  9. Report -

    We visited Dulwich Care Centre, a nursing home for 93 residents, providing nursing or personal care to older people, including people with physical disabilities and people living with dementia.
  10. Report -

    We undertook a review of dementia services in the Clapham Park area of Lambeth during the second half of 2014, in order to gain an insight into the experiences of local residents with dementia and their carers (both paid and unpaid)
  11. Report -

    We carried out Enter and View visits at Helmi House, a Sanctuary Home Care for 46 tenants, currently providing care and support to 26 people of mixed ages including wheelchair users and two residents living with dementia.
  12. Report -

    We did an Enter and View visits at Lingham Court, an extra care housing facility for 30 tenants, providing care and support to older people including wheelchair users and five residents living with dementia.
  13. Report -

    We did an Enter and view at Hillyard House, an extra care housing facility for 41 tenants providing care and support to a mixed clientele including older people, learning disabled adult and younger disabled people, and residents living with dementia.
  14. Report -

    A visit to this extra care housing facility was carried out to seek the views of residents (particularly those with dementia) about the services and also how they accessed health and care services from the community.
  15. Report -

    We visited Collingwood Court Nursing Home, unit for people with mental health problems and a palliative care unit. Almost all the residents had dementia or dementia like symptoms.
  16. Report -

    Our Extra Care Review used Enter and View to visit five of the borough's extra care housing schemes to find out whether residents have a good quality of life.
  17. Advice and Information -

    Local hospitals have joined together with care homes in Lambeth to introduce the ‘red bag’ scheme. The red bag helps to provide a prompt, safe and efficient transfer of clinical care, when a resident moves between a care home and clinical settings.
  18. News -

    What are the most important research questions that occupational therapists, people who access occupational therapy services and their carers want answered?
  19. Report -

    In September and October 2019 we carried out enter and view visits at three local care homes run by Excelcare, following a quality and safety review by Lambeth Council which indicated improvement was needed.
  20. Advice and Information -

    We held a webinar on what its been like for local residents in Lambeth care homes, and the people looking after residents during this time. We hear from some care home managers, NHS teams supporting the homes, and the comissioning team.
  21. Advice and Information -

    Has covid-19 made you think about what care and treatment you would or wouldn’t want if you became very unwell? Lambeth residents can get free help to record your future wishes now in an advance care plan.
  22. News -

    Would you be happy to share your experience about raising concerns about care?  Healthwatch and the CQC want to hear from people over 55, carers and people with learning disabilities about their experience of healthcare services during COVID-19.
  23. Advice and Information -

    Here we provide guidance on the various complaints pathways if you are dissatisfied with social care services
  24. Report -

    Our report from mental health service The Tree House
  25. News -

    Lambeth Dementia Action Alliance is a network of local organisations, services and businesses that are working to make Lambeth more dementia friendly.
  26. Advice and Information -

    Take a look at the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence's (NICE) quick guide to discussing and planning support following a dementia diagnosis.
  27. Report -

    We evaluated the adaptation of an existing hospital-based initiative designed by the Guy's and St Thomas' Trust, to help carers of elderly family members with dementia prepare for their return home after a stay in hospital.
  28. News -

    Over the past year, we have been working with Lambeth Council on a project looking into how home care can be improved. The aim was to use design approaches to find ways for home care to be more joined up with other services and to empower people.
  29. Report -

    We carried out a follow up investigation in summer/autumn 2015 to gather views on services for people living with dementia independently in their own homes.
  30. Advice and Information -

    Dementia is a disease of the brain and reduces the capacity of people to reason and make choices. So the UK and global response to Coronavirus 19 is particularly challenging for families and people living with dementia.
  31. Report -

    In October 2020, we held an online event with South London and Maudsley Trust (SLaM) and Black Thrive for local people to explore the inequalities linked to vascular dementia experienced by Lambeth’s Black communities.
  32. Report -

    Find out in our Annual Report about how we have made a difference for people in Lambeth, our resources and how we have engaged and supported people in 2020-21.
  33. News -

    Healthwatch Lambeth was delighted to participate in Lambeth's Ageing Well Festival which launched Age Friendly Lambeth.
  34. News -

    The current recommendation for any information on the Coronavirus is to stay updated via Public Health England’s COVID public information page, and follow advice such as regularly washing hands with soap and water for 20 seconds,
  35. Advice and Information -

    More Coronavirus support for vulnerable people announced!
    Register if you have a medical condition that makes you extremely vulnerable to COVID-19.
  36. Advice and Information -

    It is normal to feel worried during these difficult times. For some people, especially those who were already dealing with anxiety, depression or other mental health challenges, these times can be particularly hard.
  37. News -

    University College London have launched a study into the psychological and social effects of Covid-19 in the UK. The aim is to understand the effects of the virus and social distancing measures, and to track people's Mental Health and loneliness.
  38. Advice and Information -

    Lambeth Educational Psychology Service has put together some advice and guidance for parents and carers about how to support the wellbeing and learning of their children during the coronavirus outbreak.
  39. News -

    Black Thrive has teamed up with a number of South London organisations to answer the Government call for evidence that the COVID 19 pandemic is causing additional issues in protected communities.
    We need you to tell us what you are experiencing.
  40. Advice and Information -

    WLM St Luke’s has compiled this guide with information and links to help people sort out money problems, cut costs and apply for benefits at this difficult time. Please pass it on to friends, family, neighbours and colleagues who may find it useful.
  41. News -

    Doctors in Lambeth are asking patients not to put off contacting their GP surgery if they need to consult a doctor or nurse.
  42. Advice and Information -

    Even in these difficult times, it’s important to understand your rights and care options so that you can make informed decisions and get the support you need during the coronavirus pandemic. 
  43. News -

    There are numerous surveys, questionnaires and other research going around now, to understand people's experience with COVID-19, health services, the lockdown and more. Here's a list to help you understand which ones might be relevant to you.
  44. Advice and Information -

    Accurate and accessible information plays a very important role in keeping people safe and preventing the spread of Coronavirus. Here are some resources in various languages to help spread information to people from different backgrounds.